It takes less than 10 minutes to import Native Media Player to your project. Here's a step by step guide to jump in.
Last updated
It takes less than 10 minutes to import Native Media Player to your project. Here's a step by step guide to jump in.
Last updated
Native Media Player utilizes Newtonsoft.Json for efficient JSON manipulation, which is essential for communicating with native plugins. Unity Package Manager (UPM) provides a streamlined method for managing package dependencies. Follow the step by step guide below to install Newtonsoft.Json via UPM:
In Unity, go to Edit > Preferences (or Unity > Preferences on macOS), then navigate to Glitch9 > Native Media Player to access the settings.
Import NativeMediaPlayer.prefab to your scene. It's located under Glitch9\NativePlugins\NativeMediaPlayer\Prefabs.
If you are using local audio files, create a new folder named ‘StreamingAssets’ under Assets. Put your audio files under this folder. You can skip this part if you are only using remote URLs.
Import a Playlist prefab, multiple Playlist prefabs or a MediaItem prefab to your scene and attach them to the MediaSource. Configure track information(s) on the prefab's Editor Inspector.
When adding an album art image, click the texture and check ‘Read/Write Enabled’ under Advanced in the inspector.
If you are having trouble showing the album art, try changing compression format of the image. ASTC compression formats are not supported.