Creating assistants API

This feature is only available in the Pro version.

Step 1: Upload a File (if necessary)

First, upload the file that the Assistant will use as a resource if necessary. You can skip this part if the Assistant won't use any resource.

using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using Glitch9.Apis.OpenAI;
using Glitch9.IO.Files;

public async UniTask<FileObject> UploadFileAsync(string filePath, UploadPurpose purpose)
    var fileUploadRequest = new FileUploadRequest.Builder()
        .SetFile(new FormFile(filePath))
    return await OpenAIClient.DefaultInstance.Upload(fileUploadRequest);

Step 2: Create the AssistantsAPIv2

After uploading the file, create an instance of the AssistantsAPIv2 with the specified options:

Required Settings

  • Id: Unique identifier for the AssistantsAPIv2 instance.

  • Model: The GPT model to be used by the tool. Defaults to GPT-3.5 Turbo.

  • Name: The name of the assistant.

  • Description: The description of the assistant's functionality.

  • Instructions: Guide the personality and define the goals of the Assistant.

Optional Settings

  • Tools: Provide the Assistant with access to up to 128 tools.

  • ToolResources: Give tools like code_interpreter and file_search access to files.

  • ForcedTool: Forces the AssistantsAPI to use the specified tool on every request.

  • Metadata: Gets or sets the metadata associated with this assistant.

  • Temperature: The sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values make the output more random, while lower values make it more focused and deterministic.

  • TopP: The nucleus sampling parameter, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass.

  • ResponseFormat: The response format for this assistant. Defaults to auto.

  • Stream: Indicates whether the assistant should stream responses. Defaults to false.

  • MinTokenRequirementPerRequest: The minimum number of tokens required per request.

  • MaxRequestLength: The maximum number of characters the assistant's responses can contain. Use -1 for no limit.

  • AssistantFetchCount: The maximum number of assistants to fetch when finding existing assistants on OpenAI server.

  • InitialDelayForRunStatusCheckSec: The initial delay in seconds before checking the run status for the first time.

  • RecurringRunStatusCheckIntervalSec: The recurring interval in seconds for checking the run status.

  • RunOperationTimeoutSec: The timeout in seconds for the run operation.

  • Client: The custom client to use for the assistant's operations.

  • OnTokensValidated: Event handler that is called when the tokens are validated.

  • OnTokensConsumed: Event handler that is called when tokens are consumed during the assistant's operation.

  • Exception: Event handler that is called when an error occurs during the assistant's operation.

  • OnRunCancel: Action that is called when a run is canceled.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using Glitch9.Apis.OpenAI;
using Glitch9.IO.Files;

public async UniTask<AssistantsAPIv2> CreateAsync(string filePath)
    // Upload the file and get the file object
    var fileObject = await UploadFileAsync(filePath, UploadPurpose.Assistants);

    // Define the assistant's options
    var options = new APIOptions
        Id = "data_visualizer",
        Name = "Data Visualizer",
        Description = "You are great at creating beautiful data visualizations...",
        Instructions = "Analyze data present in .csv files, understand trends," +
                       "and come up with data visualizations relevant to those trends." +
                       "Share a brief text summary of the trends observed.",
        Model = GPTModel.GPT4o,
        Tools = new ToolCall[]
            new CodeInterpreterCall(),            
        ToolResources = new ToolResources
            CodeInterpreter = new ToolResource
                FileIds = new List<string> { fileObject.Id }

    // Create and initialize the AssistantsAPIv2 instance
    var api = new AssistantsAPIv2(options);
    await api.InitializeAsync();

    return api;

Step 3. Using the Assistant

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using Glitch9.Apis.OpenAI;
using Glitch9.IO.Files;

public async UniTask RunAsync()
    // Create the Assistant
    var api = await CreateAssistantAsync("path/to/your/revenue-forecast.csv");
    // Create an attachment file
    var attachmentFile = new AttachmentFile("file-BK7bzQj3FfZFXr7DbL6xJwfo", AttachmentTarget.CodeInterpreter);
    // Create a thread with messages
    var message = new Message
        Role = "user",
        Content = "Create 3 data visualizations based on the trends in this file.",
        Attachments = new List<Attachment>
            new Attachment(attachmentFile),
    var result = await api.RequestAsync(message); 

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